Collective Action For Healing and Resilience Conference

About Marymound

Réseau Compassion Network

Marymound is proud to be a member of the Réseau Compassion Network

Réseau Compassion Network, formerly the Catholic Health Corporation of Manitoba (CHCM), offers a full continuum of services from primary health to tertiary acute care, including health centres, hospitals and residential services for the elderly, and people living with physical or mental disabilities.

The network is fully engaged in research and plays a leading role in the training and development of healthcare professionals.

Health care services are offered within the context of service purchase agreements with the Winnipeg and the Parklands Regional Health Authorities.

Marymound joined the CHCM, now Réseau Compassion Network in April 2008.


The Catholic Health Network officially came into existence on Thursday, October 5, 2000 as the Grey Nuns of Manitoba transferred to the Catholic Health Corporation of Manitoba the stewardship, governance and ownership of their network of organizations in the health care, social and human services.

Current members  of the Réseau Compassion Network include:
Abri Marguerite
Aulneau Renewal Centre
Centre de santé Saint-Boniface
Centre Flavie
Residence Despins
Villa Aulneau
Sara Riel
St. Boniface Hospital
Ste. Rose Health Centre
Winnipegosis and District Health Centre
Youville Centre

The Corporation is incorporated under the Canada Corporations Act (January 25, 1999) and has been conferred the status of Public Juridical Person by the Roman Catholic Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life (July 7, 1999, Vatican).

The Members of the Corporation are named by the Sisters of Charity of Montreal (Grey Nuns). The members exercise their stewardship and governance responsibilities by electing the Board of Directors that will govern the corporation on their behalf.

THE CHCM, now known as the Réseau Compassion Network Board, has its Directors responsible for the management of the affairs of the network. The Board of Directors is comprised of representatives from each of the sponsored works. The Réseau Compassion Network Board also has the responsibility of naming the Board members of each of the sponsored organizations which are part of the network. The Board reports annually to the Members and to the Holy See (Vatican).