Collective Action For Healing and Resilience Conference

Healing Supports

Young Parents Program (YPP)

Marymound’s Young Parents Program (YPP) provides young parents and moms-to-be with hands-on assistance in raising their child(ren). This includes healthy pregnancy support, respite, parental skill building, healthy nutrition and environment, finding appropriate childcare and managing any risk to parent and baby.

YPP recognizes that mom’s health and well-being affects a baby’s health and overall achievement of developmental milestones. Young parents are assisted with securing independent housing, education and post-secondary planning, employment, money management, health, and navigating community and mental health resources – all while developing their interpersonal communication, and relationship building skills with one-on-one facilitators.

Those enrolled in YPP are supported by the Program Manager, Clinical Case Manager, Independent Living Transition Facilitators, Family Enhancement Facilitators, relief staff and an Administrative Assistant. 

Referrals and Intake Process:

  • All referrals are made directly from child welfare agencies to the program manager
  • A referral package includes a funding breakdown, Life Promotion Assessment, referral information, current social history and Missing Children in Care Response Plan & Procedure (if applicable).
  • All potential clients must participate in an intake meeting to establish motivation, interest and receive information regarding the rights and responsibilities in the program
  • The determination of risk and protective factors are assessed to conclude suitability and potential success within the program

Contact Marymound’s Indepedent Options Program or the Young Parents Program:

Phone: 204-338-7971
Email: [email protected]