Collective Action For Healing and Resilience Conference

June 16, 2015 -Marymound received a voicemail recently from a young woman who was in our care in 2009.  Deanna stayed in the former Alternatives unit and wanted to express her gratitude and appreciation for what Marymound has meant to her life.


As a chronic runaway living in shelters and on the street while suffering from depression and alcohol abuse, Deanna is so grateful for the care provided by Marymound.

The Alternatives Unit staff offered her the attention and family setting that she so desperately needed. “I wouldn’t be here today if it were not for you (Marymound),” says Deanna. “Marymound staff provided me with the family structure and stability that made it possible for me to overcome my many challenges.”


Today, Deanna says “I’m a contributing member of society living a contented life in British Columbia with my family, two kids and a partner. I pray for the other girls in care at Marymound and I hope they can find their way in life like I was able to do.”


“You are forever in my thoughts.”