Upcoming Professional Development Opportunities.

November 22-23rd, 2022
Regular Tickets: $249 each
Early Bird Tickets: $199 each
Group Tickets (10+): $150 each

With guest speakers:
Elder Albert Marshall: Two-Eyed Seeing / Etuaptmumk
Elder Willie Ermine: Ethical Spaces & Knowledge as Being
Dr. Shawn Wilson: Research is Ceremony
Lea Denny: Community Activated Medicine
Dr. Verna St. Denis: Transforming Colonial Violence in the Helping Professions

“Two-Eyed Seeing is seeing from one eye  the strengths of Indigenous ways of knowing and with Western ways of knowing from the other.”

The gift of multiple perspectives is exceedingly relevant especially within education, health, and social service sectors. Ethical space is needed to support and enact this principle in knowledge sharing. Ethical space is formed when two different groups with disparate world views are poised to engage each other. Ethical space enables a framework for dialogue and new understandings and knowledge creation.

These relational approaches emphasize that mutually beneficial, inter-cultural, collaborative relationships with mainstream society and the Western sciences can be nurtured and grown, resulting in new understandings put into practice.

Building on dialogue from our conference Resilience & Resurgence: Why Reconciled Spaces Are Essential to Healing, we continue to explore tangible yet transformative ways of embracing Indigenous perspectives within our organizations, programs, and service delivery frameworks. This requires foundational, knowledge-based, and structural shifts in ways of being and doing.

Join our two-day conference and learn from renowned Elders, researchers, and practitioners what it means to create ethical space, integrate Indigenous knowledge into practice, and honour the importance of relationships to shape reality.

Objectives of the conference:

  • To support teams to enhance their capacity towards culturally safe environments to promote organizational transformation.
  • To respect, listen to and value other perspectives and other ways of knowing, learn together to collaborate ideas.
  • To build environments that honour ancestral, intergenerational, and cultural wisdoms.

For more information please email [email protected]